Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday July 10, 2016 Good Morning, Yesterday Jim and I spent a beautiful day at Belle Fourche. Cute little town with lots of history. Their museum boasted the most antiques we have ever seen. Jim and I love history so reading the stories of the pioneers that lived in and around Belle Fourche was inspiring. South Dakota sits front and center in the US, geographically and Belle Fourche holds the distinction as being the center of the nation since it is the closest community to the geographic point. The geographical center of the land mass of the US moved on August 21, 1959, the day Hawaii became the 50th state. The cabin was built in 1876 and was home of Johnny Spaulding who was an avid hunter, scout and guide. At one time Spaulding his brother, sister in law and 6 children lived in this cabin. We did some shopping in their quaint little town as there were a number of antique shops which we love. Spent the evening in Deadwood which was a crazy night as there were numerous groups running around in Superman shirts and pink tutus. We think they were bachelorette parties. Have an awesome Sunday, Jim and Debbie

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